M6 Consortium Meeting

On 20th and 21st June 2024, the Consortium Meeting of APOLO project met for the M6 meeting held at Headquarters of the Hamburg Port Authority in Hamburg. We had very fruitful discussions between partners for this month 6 meeting. The first day of the meeting was dedicated to the plenary discussion by the work package leaders on goals, …

M3 PTC meeting

On 11th April 2024, the Project Technical Committee (PTC) of APOLO project met for the M3 PTC meeting, a regular check-in where they discussed the ongoing progress of the APOLO project. The committee has expressed satisfaction with the current status of the project and are looking forward for more technical progress in the coming months. Stay connected …

Kick – OFF Meeting

On 15th January 2024 , WP leaders and partners of this amazing Project attended their 1st meeting at Eindhoven University of Technology Apolo project is a European project, and 12 international partners (click here to know more about them), coördinatend by TECNALIA Research & Innovation , are involved to develop the components required to use ammonia as fuel …

APOLO started…

APOLO Project STARTed 1st January 2024! The APOLO project, acronym for Advanced POwer conversion technoLogies based on Onboard ammonia cracking through novel membrane reactors, has just started on January 1st, 2024. The project received more than 7.5 MEuro through the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) under the powers delegated by the European …